Trumpet Articles

Trumpet ARticle for August 28, 2024                                      


If a man be in Christ                      Part 5      2 Cor. 5:17

Old Things are passed away

When God, by His grace through lost man’s faith, planted the sinless inner man of the spirit inside the old man of the flesh, the old man of the flesh passed away (died unto sin)   Likewise, reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Rom 6:11. Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin.” Rom 6:6. The natural man of the flesh is not destroyed until at natural death when the man of the flesh turns to the dust of the earth. Only the natural sinful-minded man dies; That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts; And be renewed in the spirit of your mind.” Eph 4:22-23.

The old man of the flesh is taught by the scriptures to put on the new man after God is created in righteousness and true holiness Eph. 4:24. In Essence, the new man is dead to lying, deceiving, stealing, cheating, etc. The new man of the spirit is a regenerate man, just opposite to the unregenerate man of the flesh.

The new man is not an improved, renovated man, but he is Christ-fashioned inside the old man and the new man in Christ. And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness.” Rom. 8:10. Therefore, the newly created man takes on the divine nature of his creator God. Hence, the new man of the spirit is not to let sin reign in his mortal body of the flesh; he should obey it in the lust thereof. Rom 6:12.

The new man of the spirit is not obligated in any way and for no reason to live or pattern his life after the life of the old sinful man of the flesh. If the spiritual man, who is in Christ, lives after the man of the flesh, he shall die; just if he through the spirit kills the deeds of the natural man of the flesh, he shall live spiritually and influentially. (to be continued)

From Our MissionARies

Misión Creciendo en Cristo (Growing in Christ), North Little Rock: Juan Carlos Posadas writes, “On Monday and Tuesday, I received the infusion corresponding to the medical treatment that I now receive every six months. This caused me discomfort and headaches during the week. I thank God that He is using this treatment to improve my health.

“Thursday night I participated in a Committee Organization meeting for NLRSD Millage my name came up from a suggestion from the School District office. We will continue to meet to plan how to bring the NLRSD Millage to a vote in November.

“We are in the process of obtaining new insurance coverage for the building and general liability, please pray for a good insurance company.

“In our Sunday meeting we studied chapter 17 of Revelation, the topic was the Final Judgment of the system of this world. The church is enjoying the studies and that is reflected in the attendance, on this occasion we had 90 people. The sanctuary still looks empty since it has a capacity of 250 people. Let us pray that the Lord guides, teaches, and establishes us in His Word.”

          Ebenezer, West Little Rock: Ruben Isturiz writes, “Thank God we are doing well in our Discovery Bible Study (DBS), I ask you to pray that we can start three more DBS in the city. The people who are attending like it and are learning more about God's Word. Veronica tells us that she likes it very much because now she can remember the Bible stories.

“Last Wednesday we had to take Zuly (our daughter) to college for the first time. On Friday and Saturday, I also took our son Ruben to the same university to help him move all the stuff to his dorm.

“Thank God, after our Ebenezer membership meeting, we were able to establish several working groups. We have a ministry committee that we will meet next Saturday so that God will lead us in being on God's agenda. At Ebenezer for decision making, we try to pray and pray for God to tell us the next steps, so I ask you to support us in prayer for God to guide us, we do not want to take a single step without God's guidance. Our best strategic planning is God guiding us.

“Thank you, brother partners in ministry, for your support and prayers. To God be the Glory!”

Faith Chapel, Flippin: Johnny Shew writes, “We had a really good week at Faith Chapel! A good number with 5 first-time and several faithful visitors. I had a lady call me last week on our way home from Little Rock inquiring about our church. Her family is looking for a church and they found us online and had some questions and I answered them as best as I could and assured them that they were welcome and invited them. They came this morning and said they will be back. Praise God! Sometimes social media seems terrible, and I get fed up with a lot of the content, and sometimes if I wasn't putting our messages and information about the mission on there I would just quit it, but then every once in a while I get a call like this one, or someone will show up and say they found us online, and I looked the other day and it says that almost 500 people all over the world follow our page and our sermons, and I realize that God can use this flawed platform to reach people that we would not reach otherwise and so I stay on for another while. Someone may have even gotten saved because of our page; I pray that they did.

“The floor contractor is still working on our floors, polishing and staining is a very labor-intensive, time-consuming process, but they are looking better every day and I can't wait to see them finished, hopefully this week. Then the stage carpet and plumbing and fixtures and doors will be installed, and we will be ready to move into the main part of the building, then we can work on the classrooms. Praise God it will be soon, and our dream will be realized, and we thank everyone who has been a part of helping and supporting us, we can't thank you enough, especially for your prayers, and we thank God for you! In Christ's Love.”

Faith Journey, Benton: Bryan Clay writes, “We started our week with a new men’s Bible study. We have nine gentlemen that are committed to investing their time to this study. We are using the book “Resolution for Men” as our guide to these bi-weekly meetings. Please be in prayer for these men and for those that will be added to our numbers as we grow during this 8-week study.

“We were able to meet with one of our local middle schools to discuss the upcoming year and starting monthly meetings with students to share Christ with them. We have a great group of adult leadership that are welcoming us in to provide Bible lessons and devotional time every month for the entire school year. We are excited to be given this opportunity and look forward to updating everyone with any praises, prayer requests and professions of faith that we hope come out of these meetings.

“We had several of our folks out due to sickness this week and pray for their health to be restored quickly and that their families remain healthy as well. We are praying for a speedy recovery for all so that they are back worshipping with us soon!”

Epic Life, Pea Ridge: Jake McCandless writes, “This was a great week! Our Garfield Connection Group had two first-time visitors who came along because they have an interest in pursuing coaching! The Woodbridge Connection Group met outside around a fire on a rare cool night in August.

“Personally, our family had the chance to have six events and get-togethers this weekend alone that allowed us more opportunities to build relationships and connections.”



Trumpet ARticle for August 21, 2024                                      


If any man be in Christ

  Continued   Part 4       2 Corr 5:17

God cannot look upon sin. God turned His back upon His only begotten Son, on the darkest day in the history of man, because the sins of the whole world were heaped upon him who knew no sin. My sins and your sins were laid upon the Son of God. “All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned everyone to his own way, and the lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.” Isa. 53:6.

When the sins of the world were laid upon the Lord Jesus, the sun hid its face and refused to show forth one ray of light for more than three hours while the Son of God was shrouded in the blackest of darkness. Christ was made to cry out from the cross; “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” The Son of God knew why he was forsaken; he spoke these words because he knew his words would be recorded, and henceforth be a manifestation to the world that God had no other plan in which man might be saved from the penalty of sin, but by His Son’s sacrificial death on the tree of Calvary.

God turned His back on His Son, that He might turn His face toward a lost world. No, sin will never defile the glorified body of the Son of God. Therefore, I say again, by the authority of the Word of God, If any man be in Christ, he must be born of the Spirit who cannot sin because his seed remaineth in him and he cannot sin because he is born of God. 1 John 3:9.


From Our MissionARies

Misión Creciendo en Cristo (Growing in Christ), North Little Rock: Juan Carlos Posadas writes, “In previous reports, I told you about Jeferson who had a serious accident. I visited him weekly in the hospital. He had 3 surgeries and on Friday, August 16, he was discharged. On Saturday, we visited him at home and bought some crepes that his family was selling to raise funds and pay the accumulated debts due to his situation. During one of the visits to the hospital, I shared the gospel with Jeferson and his partner Janneth and they both made their profession of faith. Today they came to the temple for the first time for the Sunday service. It was a blessing to see them enter and it filled me with joy to see them worshiping the Lord. I ask for your prayers so that they can strengthen themselves in faith and that Jeferson can regain strength in his legs and walk again if that is God's will.

“In a previous report, I also told you about Benjamin and Alanis, they are a couple of Venezuelan origin, with whom we had some talks about biblical marriage, and to my surprise, last Monday Benjamin asked me where he could buy an engagement ring, and this week they got engaged to be married. So we will have a wedding in the church. Benjamin and Alanis invited their friends Jesus and Eliveth and their daughters Valentina and Hillary to the church they were very happy and expressed their desire to congregate with us. Let us pray that they can establish themselves in our church and that we have the opportunity to disciple them.”

          Ebenezer, West Little Rock: Ruben Isturiz writes, “It has been a week of activities: Monday we had our Discovery Bible Study (DBS) in our home, it is a blessing to see how people are remembering Bible stories and discovering biblical truths for their lives, we always close with fellowship and deepen our friendship. In each DBS we apply the discipleship principle of passing on the TRUTH of God's Word and giving of our own LIFE.

“On Tuesday we received in our meeting place in Chenal the Missions Committee, it is the opportunity that we have, every missionary in the state, to tell what God is doing. In Ebenezer every time I present myself before the committee or before you in the annual meeting of our association is a mixture of emotions, on the one hand the privilege of speaking what God is doing among us, but also of much fear because of my limitations in the English language, but as I always tell my wife, God is Glorified. God is Glorified.

“On Sunday in addition to our Celebration Service we had our Ebenezer members meeting. We welcomed two members Moises and Joselyn Rico. Our meeting was to better organize the committees, ministries, leadership of the church. It was a very fruitful meeting. Our next meeting will be in November, hope to have fruits regarding our meeting.

“Prayer Requests: Pray for leadership to emerge at Ebenezer, a battalion of Servants. Pray that those who have not yet made the decision to be baptized would do so. Pray for my children, this week they will both be going to college and God's provision to pay for it. Pray for Ebenezer to continue in harmony, we have always had a good atmosphere of brotherhood in our congregation.

“Thank you, brethren, for your support of the missions, to God be the Glory!”

Faith Chapel, Flippin: Johnny Shew writes, We had another good week at Faith Chapel! With another really good number for worship, 1 first-time and several return (faithful) visitors.

“The Missionary Advisory Committee came to visit us Monday on their annual visit to all of the State Missionaries. They were very complimentary of the new building, and of the mission in general. We appreciate them all so much, and our association should too. They give of their time to serve, and they have never seemed to be trying to find fault, but always trying to find how they can help us to grow and fulfill our mission. We thank God for them all!

“Then we went to the Jonesboro Association Brotherhood meeting Tuesday, and stopped and visited with Brother Jim Johnston, he is building us a new pulpit, communion table and foyer table for the new building, and I can't wait to show them to you. They will be beautiful! What a gift the Lord has given him! Thank You Lord!

“The floors are being done, it will probably take another week, I knew that it was a lot of work, but I had no idea how much. I can't wait to see the finished product. The carpet for the stage is in and waiting for the floors to be done. Then the plumber and cabinet contractor can get in there and finish up, then we will be ready to move in. We are ready after all this time. We thank you for your prayers and support, this building is coming together because of them, and we thank God for you as well! In Christ's Love.”

Faith Journey, Benton: Bryan Clay writes, “It was back to school time for some of our folks last week and the rest of them start back this week! We are praying blessings over them for protection and a successful school year. We were able to provide a yummy treat for the teachers on Friday to celebrate finishing the first week of school. We served “Finally Friday Coke Floats!!” It was a great way to end a busy week.

“This weekend I had the opportunity to get to invest in the life of a young youth pastor. He is very passionate about the Lord, and I spent some time encouraging him in his ministry. He is a Godly young man and has such a love for the youth that he is leading, and God is going to do great things in his ministry.

“We also got to hear a great testimony to finish up our week from one of our ladies at the mission. She was blessed to help lead a young lady to the Lord this week who was visiting her home. This young lady was not raised in a Godly home growing up but through speaking with her and praying with her she came to know Christ. Praise the Lord!”

Epic Life, Pea Ridge: Jake McCandless writes, “All throughout my time in ministry I have talked about our Sunday School classes or life groups as "doing life together", but it hasn't been until the launch of Epic Life and this model of ministry that I have truly begun to experience that. I believe it can be summed up in the last several birthday parties my daughters have had. When we have a birthday, you can count on my family being there, my wife's family being there, and our Connection Group being there. Our Connection Group is family. I love seeing how church integrates with our regular life and our family rather being something that pulls us away from our family. By the way, this week I had eight meals with Epic Life coaches, members, and prospects. Luke 7, where Jesus was called a glutton because he was dining with so many people, came to mind for my hope is that we can look like how many ministries were done by Jesus, the Apostles, and the early church.”

          El Faro #2 Hispanic Mission, Cabot/Jacksonville: Michael Hight writes,

“We are getting close to our launch time. We had plans to launch on September 1st but I'm not sure if we can pull it off. We may have to postpone it for a week or two. I have been taking my infusions for four weeks now and for the first time in over two years I had some days where I felt almost normal. Please pray that I continue to get stronger.

“I want to also thank Landmark at England for letting me speak to their VBS and especially their generous love offering. Thank you to Central at Hughes for their support as well.”


Trumpet ARticle for August 14, 2024                                     


If any man be in Christ   Continued   lesson 3     2 Cor. 5:17

The man of the flesh is, because of the sins of the flesh, destined for the dust of the earth; the man of the spirit is the man in Christ Jesus, because of the new birth, destined for heaven and eternal life. “Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was; and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.” Ecc. 12:7. The above scripture presents to us the separation of the two men, though brief as it may be, at the consummation of the life of the man in the flesh. At death, the spiritual is separated from the natural. Listen to Paul as he speaks by inspiration of God in 1 Thess., Chapter four, and verses 16-17. For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.”

Through faith the believer is lifted up out of the miry pit of sin, to the solid rock of salvation; out of bondage and commendation to freedom and justification; out of the clutches of thermal death, into the embrace of eternal life; out of a land as strangers wandering in the desert of Egypt, on this side of Jordan, into a land flowing with milk and honey, as citizens of a new country. Where the soul of man never dies. “But this man, Jesus Christ, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down on the right hand of God.” Heb 10:12. I take this opportunity to mention the grand and glorious doctrine of the “security of the believer,” found in five words; one sacrifice for sins forever. Study the deep meaning of each word. It is impossible for the man of the flesh to be in Christ, who is now at the right hand of the father, as it was for Nicodemus to enter into his mother’s womb and be born for the second time (natural birth). “That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.” John 3:6. “The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thous hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth; so is everyone that is born of the Spirit” John 3:8.

From Our MissionARies

Misión Creciendo en Cristo (Growing in Christ), North Little Rock: Juan Carlos Posadas writes, “On Friday and Saturday from 6 to 9 PM, we participated in the BMA of Arkansas Hispanic Church Mission Conferences. We shared with the attendees the commitment of our mission Growing in Christ with the missions in Romania supporting the work of Cristian and Vanesa, and in Mexico supporting our brother Germán Galindo. We presented a dramatization encouraging the church to awaken to its missionary call, it was the first time that this group dramatized outside of our local church, nerves were playing a big role, but finally, everything went well and we rejoiced serving the Lord. Please pray for this group, they are the members of Sunday discipleship at 9 AM, let's ask God that they will be established in His word.

“On Tuesday, August 20th we will start the Autumn course of our Bible Institute, this time we have 8 first-time people for book 1, Methods of Bible Study, and 3 people who will be taking books 9 and/or 10. These last three are the most advanced and will graduate at the end of book 10. Let us pray for this group of brethren committed to training for service in God's work. They stand firm during this long period of training that could take them 3 to 6 years.”

          Ebenezer, West Little Rock: Ruben Isturiz writes, “This semester of the year I will be very busy each week preparing both my classes for the Arkansas Missionary Baptist Theological Institute, and also for the "Awakening" Workshop through the ministry I do with Novo ( One of the gifts God has given me is teaching, I try to prepare with excellence, both content and presentation.

“On Friday and Saturday, we attended the Missionary Conferences, the Hispanic churches in the state of Arkansas try to have these conferences once a year for missionary education and to encourage us to do missions.

“On Sunday we had a good service, where we prayed for our students who are returning to class this August. Keep praying for what we are doing at Ebenezer. God continues adding people, a lot of work to do, as I have commented before, during all these years I have been working alone, but God is bringing people with the possibility that they will be an important help in the ministry. Thank you, brothers, for your prayers and support, to God be the Glory!”

Faith Chapel, Flippin: Johnny Shew writes, “What a great week at Faith Chapel! We had a really good number for worship, with several faithful visitors, and 2 for the first time. One of our children was so excited because she invited that couple, and they came! She has now called herself our "church inviter", and I believe she will keep at it! We were almost full in our little rented building, but it won't be long until we have plenty of room.

“The missions’ Advisory Committee and Executive Director are coming Monday for their annual Tour of Mission Projects, and we look forward to showing them our progress.

“The new building is coming along, the security company did the rough in for cameras in the addition and parking areas, we cleaned up and stowed away everything that was on the floors so that the flooring contractors can come in and go to work, they will be here Tuesday morning. We mounted some monitors on the stage for sermon presentations and lyrics and we are ready for doors and trim after the floors are finished. Our goal is still to be in by the end of summer.

“We thank you all again and again for your support, and for your prayers! God is answering them, and we are more amazed every day! Praise God that we get to do this! In Christ's Love.”

Faith Journey, Benton: Bryan Clay writes, “Faith Journey has been celebrating birthdays all month long!! For a growing mission, it is amazing how many of our folks celebrate their birthdays in the month of August. So, bring on the cake!

“Our lesson this week was keeping your eyes on Jesus. In today’s world it is easy to lose sight of Christ with all the things that we see around us happening every day. Just like Peter did, when stepping out onto the water to walk towards Jesus, he became distracted by things going on around him and began to sink. We too will begin to lose our way, if we do not stay focused on the Lord daily. An old, familiar hymn kept coming to mind this week as I prepared this lesson, “Turn your eyes upon Jesus. Look full in his wonderful face. And the things of earth will grow strangely dim. In the light of his glory and grace.” Stay focused on Him, friends.”

Epic Life, Pea Ridge: Jake McCandless writes, “One of the things about planting a church is you can try things--you have to try things. Through Epic Life I have tried purposely to make sure that our structure, programs, and events match our priorities and message.

“Equipping and empowering believers to replicate disciple making is our priority. This is being done through the training of our coaches. We've struggled to have consistent monthly coaching training meetings so this month I took our successful monthly event--our collective worship night and used it for our coaches. For the next few months at least our monthly worship night has become our coaches worship night. We invited our coaches to worship and receive encouragement. We also took the night and spoke about the values we want for Epic Life. It was a great time of zeroing in on what the DNA of Epic Life should be.”



Trumpet ARticle for August 7, 2024                              


If a man be in Christ        (continued)

     He is a new creature. A divine transaction had to be made. We hear so much today about how the sciences have successfully replaced organs from one body to another. In the new birth, God has made a divine transplant. He has transplanted a whole new created man into an old born of the flesh man. Remember, on Calvary’s mount, the son of God was made to be sin for us, who knew no sin. He took upon his sinless body the sins of the whole world. Sin was on him, but not in him.

     Second, another divine transaction is to be made. When man is born again by hearing, believing, and trusting, through faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ the nature of the old man of the flesh is crucified with Christ (becomes dead to sin but not destroyed), the sinless new God created man of the spirit becomes in him, a partaker of God’s divine nature.

    The natural man of the flesh will never make the flight to the throne of God, where Christ sits at His right hand. No way!  “No man has ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the son of God which is in heaven.:” John 3:13. Some say scriptures has a contradiction because Enoch and Elijah ascended up into heaven. This is true, but first, they were translated and ascended in spiritual bodies, not in their bodies of flesh. By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him; for before his translation he had this testimony, “that he pleased God.” Heb. 11:5. The man of the sinful flesh will never be inside a spiritual sinless body. “There are celestial bodies and terrestrial.” 1 Cor. 15:40 Celestial, heaven dwellers, terrestrial, earth dwellers. “There is a natural body and there is a spiritual body.” 1 Cor. 15:44.

(to be continued)

From Our MissionARies

Misión Creciendo en Cristo (Growing in Christ), North Little Rock: Juan Carlos Posadas writes, “The Wednesday night youth discipleship group had a day of games, there were board games, electronic games, ping pong, table hockey, and lots of food. Let us pray that this group continues growing in Christ.

“During this week the Sunday discipleship group at 9 AM has been rehearsing a drama that we will present during the missionary conferences on August 9 and 10. We hope it will be a blessing and make the people who attend the event reflect. Please pray for the drama and the entire event in which the Hispanic churches of Arkansas will participate.

“On Sunday we continue with our series of studies in the book of Revelation, with chapter 13, where the attacks of the dragon that represents Satan against the woman (the church) continue. Everyone is enjoying the studies, let us pray that God guides us and that the interpretations are correct.”

          Ebenezer, West Little Rock: Ruben Isturiz writes, “Sometimes so much happens in a week that it is impossible to put it all in one article. I thank God for what God is doing at Ebenezer and in the different ministries in which I serve.

“In the month of July, Kory and I celebrated our 24th anniversary, although we celebrated, we still owe each other a getaway. Something that really attracted me to the BMA was a piece of advice Bro. Paul gave me, your first ministry is your family, from there I understood that I was on a good ministry team.

“God continues to bless the ministry I do in baseball, the Hispanic players are faithful in attending chapel and asking interesting questions, my relationship with the guys goes beyond chapel time, it is praying, having a bridge of friendship and discipleship with some of them. The Hispanic coach of the Travelers who had double knee surgery is now recovered and in the Major Leagues, they called him to Seattle and we continue in communication and bible study.

“Last Sunday at Ebenezer we went to the lake. Once a year we have this activity, which allows us to fellowship, get to know each other better, and grow in our relationships. We had our service with songs, testimonies and the Word of God.

Pray for Ebenezer, for all the activities we have planned in August and September.

“This semester I will be teaching classes at the Hispanic Theological Institute of our churches in El Centro, I will also be giving the "AWAKENING" workshop with NOVO ministry ( via online to 16 pastors in Latin America. As I told you there are many things happening ministerially, I just thank God for your prayers and support in the ministry. To God be the Glory!”

Faith Chapel, Flippin: Johnny Shew writes, “We had a crazy busy week at Faith Chapel, but a really good one!

“We made 3 round trips to Little Rock for doctors and surgeries, and one to Choteau, OK, and I don't really want to go anywhere this week, but I will have to go back to Little Rock again on Thursday.

“I asked one of our members, Brother Dayle Robinson, to preach for me on Sunday Morning, and it was a blessing for me, and for everyone else too. He is a retired pastor, and had his 80th birthday last week, and it is nice to hear some good preaching every once in a while, I know that I sure needed it. Thank You, Brother Dayle!

“The plumbing rough-in is complete on the classroom addition, and now we are waiting on the flooring contractor, before we can do all of the finishing touches, it is getting close and we are all so excited, we are still shooting for being in by the end of summer, and that seems doable.

“We are so grateful for all of those that have helped to support us in any way, and we are looking forward to being able to do the same for some other mission(s). We especially want to thank you for keeping us in your prayers, God is answering them in a mighty way! In Christ's Love.”

Faith Journey, Benton: Bryan Clay writes, “Friend’s night at Faith Journey was a great success!! Several of our folks invited friends and we had a very good turn out! We had a few of our people traveling, so we pray for safe trips until they return home next week. We celebrated a couple of birthdays, with more coming up later this month as well. We had a fun group activity about taking steps towards what God has planned for each of us in our lives. Each team had one member that was blindfolded, and the other teammates had to talk them through “life’s obstacles” to help them understand that we need to be focused on the voice of God to help direct our paths.

“God is answering prayers for Faith Journey mission. We have been praying and driving around our target area for over two years seeking God’s direction and His timing for Faith Journey. During these years, we have not had one property become available to purchase. This week we have located a property that has been placed up for sale that possibly could be Faith Journey’s starter home. Please pray earnestly for all involved in making these decisions about the future of the mission as they seek God’s will.

“Pray for wisdom and that doors be opened if that is what is supposed to happen. We will keep everyone updated. We give God all the glory!”

Epic Life, Pea Ridge: Jake McCandless writes, “This week was a tough week for many in our Connection Groups. Whether it was Covid or challenges in life it was hard.

“I look forward to what lies ahead as August starts, school returns, and people begin getting back on schedule. Pray for our Connection Group Coaches as they move forward while facing fiery darts from the enemy.”


Trumpet ARticle for July 31, 2024                                 


If any man be in Christ

“Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” 2 Cor. 5:17

In the first chapter we were made to visualize God as He made a threefold being, He molded the first Adam from the dust of the earth and breathed life into his nostrils the breath of life, and he became a living soul. The soul is the third part of man which never dies.

God through His love, grace, mercy, and compassion went to the spiritually dead Adam and because of his repentance and faith in the redeemer to come (Christ), God restored with the outward sinful man of the flesh the inward man of the spirit. They are not to be separated again until death, when the spiritual man will depart from the man of the flesh and the natural sinful man of the flesh will return to the dust of the earth from whence it came. The spiritual, sinless inner man of the spirit will return to God the giver. (The soul lives on somewhere, either with the spiritual man or with the natural man.)

We also have discovered that all of Adam’s seeds are born totally depraved. Therefore, the natural man stands alone and absent of the man of the spirit and becomes accountable to God for his inherited sin the day he comes into the knowledge of good and evil. (Knowing right from wrong.)

The natural man of the flesh is nourished from the natural bread for natural life, while the spiritual man on the spiritual bread (Christ) for spiritual eternal life.

In the fourth chapter, we notice that the works of the outward sinful man of the flesh availed nothing; that the judgment of the believer’s works, not his sins, was the question. And we also found that some of the works of the spiritual man will abide while some of the works of the spiritual man will be burned, but that they themselves shall be saved from the power and penalty of sin as so by fire.

From Our MissionARies

          Ebenezer, West Little Rock: Ruben Isturiz writes, “Our Discovery Bible Study (DBS) on Monday had a great participation. We had a total of 13. Our desire is that each DBS will have growth and multiplication will come. Be praying that we can have more home groups during the week. It is a blessing to attend and see the participation, people are learning from the Word of God and hearing the Gospel. I love it when they hear the story of Andrew in the Bible who found the Messiah and brought his brother to Jesus. Last week a family from the State of Zulia - Venezuela came to our DBS and they liked it so much that Marcos invited his brother and sister-in-law last week. So, we had two families from Zulia. Both families although they know a little of the Word of God are disconnected from a local church, both Marcos and Daniel work in the same company which prevents them from attending Ebenezer on Sundays. Hence the importance of DBS offering them an opportunity to gather on weekdays. Pray for both families represented in Mark and Daniel, both need an encounter with God, both need to marry their respective wife partners. One of them told me: pastor we want to get married. Pray for restored lives. Daniel in the little that I could talk about comes from churches where they were hurt, pray for healing of their spiritual wounds.

“Thank you for your prayers and support, to God be the Glory!”

Faith Chapel, Flippin: Johnny Shew writes, “We had a wonderful week at Faith Chapel! We had a good number for worship with several of our faithful visitors  but some of our members were out due to illness or traveling.

“Good news on the building; all the air conditioning is working, lights too, and we even installed some ceiling fans! It looks really good in there. The plumber is supposed to be here at 7:00 Monday morning to rough in the classroom addition, and to begin hookup in the main part. We have fixtures waiting to be installed. The flooring contractors are supposed to be here the second week in August, that is the one that we are waiting on, we can begin to move in when the floors are done. It is getting close now, we still hope to be in by the end of summer, and completely out of our rented building. We sure have made some memories in there, and we will miss it, but we look forward to making memories in the new building too, and we know that the building process will be a lot of special memories to us, as well as to some of you. We truly could not have done this without your prayers and support, you have been there with us every step of the way, and we can't thank you enough. We will let you know before we move in, and we would love it if you will stop by on your way across 62/412, if you happen to be going that way. In Christ's Love.”

Faith Journey, Benton: Bryan Clay writes, “God is so good! Faith Journey has been feeling His blessings these last several days. Our folks have been busy inviting others to the Mission, and we have also been out in the community distributing flyers about Faith Journey. Our hope is to help people come to know more about the Lord and see what we have to offer to help them grow as Christians.

“We enjoyed a fellowship meal with a taco bar and a homemade tres leches cake that was delicious!! We also enjoyed a fun, and a slightly competitive, game of Bible trivia over the study we have been learning about from the Book of Acts. We had tons of laughs and learned a lot while building relationships that last a lifetime. We enjoyed our time together so much that once we dismissed for the evening, we all pulled up chairs and continued to visit and fellowship with one another for another hour. It is such a blessing that God has brought these people together to love on each as we follow His will for Faith Journey.”

Epic Life, Pea Ridge: Jake McCandless writes, “As we plug away at serving as missionaries our outlook can quickly drop and rise. It’s been a slow time—summer always is, but in a matter of a few days’ things can change and be encouraging.

“On Wednesday during our Woodbridge Connection Group we had two first-time visitors join a group that is already busting at the seams. Then a couple days later we were with the coaches of the Garfield Connection Group as they had a divine appointment with an old friend going through a tough time. We watched firsthand as they ministered to that couple and invited them to their Bible Study. Pray that this couple joins them. After watching that divine appointment I received a call from a former visitor wanting to get back involved.”



Trumpet ARticle for July 24, 2024                                 


All good things come to an end

   This is the final week of our 2024 Special Emphasis. I want to thank those who invited me to come and share our state work. As always, these funds help us in expanding our outreach efforts. Please consider taking up a special offering on Sunday, July 28th for State Missions.

     Also, with our busy schedules, it is easy for things like this to sneak up on us. So, any Sunday is a good Sunday to take up an offering. Your men are faithfully working to win souls and to develop a presence in their respective communities.

On the Road Again

    Your Advisory Committee and I will be making our annual two-day trek around the state visiting each missionary on August 12th and 13th. This is the time we can physically set eyes on their work and to be an encouragement to these men and their families.

    A special thanks to the Advisory Committee members who are extremely faithful to their responsibilities. Please pray for them and take the opportunity to have one or more speak at your Local Association meetings coming up in a few weeks.

From Our MissionARies

Misión Creciendo en Cristo (Growing in Christ), North Little Rock: Juan Carlos Posadas writes, “On Friday we had a night of prayer, thanksgiving, biblical reflection, and communion, we started at 7:30 PM and ended at midnight. We prayed for our families, the missionaries, God's plans for the church, and God to help us bear fruit.

“On Sunday Sayra returned to the church, when she entered the communion room the brothers and sisters who were having a discipleship class greeted her with great cheer, all happy to see her return. Various children wanted to be next to her during Sunday school class. Sayra felt very touched by the appreciation shown by the adults and children. On this occasion we studied chapter 11 of Revelation, the theme of the two witnesses and the seventh trumpet, at the end of the sermon the call was made to ask the Lord for forgiveness if we had strayed from his ways and were not living the life that he desires that we live, various brothers and sisters asked for prayer, it was a beautiful time of reflection and spiritual restoration. We thank God for touching the hearts of the people in the congregation.

“Please continue to pray for this work and what God has prepared for us in North Little Rock, so that we may be an obedient and faith-filled congregation.”

          Ebenezer, West Little Rock: Ruben Isturiz writes,  “It has been a very busy week both ministerially and as a family. Monday was our DBS (Discovery Bible Study) in our home with two visitors, two of the visitors are original from the state of Zulia - Venezuela.

“On Thursday we went to the pre'opening of a new Mexican store, they asked us to pray, the owners are members of Ebenezer.

“It was also a time of training the person who is in charge of the treasury of Ebenezer, Veronica is from Ecuador and she is assuming this important area of ministry for any congregation.

“I also got to mentor the pastor who is in charge of the Hispanic Theological Institute of our churches in central Arkansas.

“Thanks to the ministry I do with NOVO ( I have the opportunity to help many Hispanic pastors and leaders inside and outside the USA. We are preparing a workshop on Cultural Anthropology in missions. God willing, we will do it in Texas with the BMA churches in that state. There are many new missionaries that come from Latin America but it is difficult for them to adapt to the form of ministry in America, for them this workshop is dedicated to understand a little about culture shock, worldview, cultural ethnocentrism.

“I see a great need in the Hispanic churches of the BMA at the nationwide for: Healthy leaders and healthy churches. There are many resources in this area in English but not in Spanish. New works are being planted but many of our workers feel alone. Pray that God will continue to use me in this area through the ministry of NOVO, we have already done counseling with pastors in other states and their churches are moving forward.

“As I told you, a lot of things are happening during the week, sometimes coming home at 10 p.m., ministry with baseball, pastoral counseling, getting everything ready for Sunday. There is still a lot of work to do in Ebenezer. Thank you, brethren, for your prayers and support, to God be the Glory!”

Faith Chapel, Flippin: Johnny Shew writes, “We had another great week at Faith Chapel! We had a great number for worship, even though several families were out for various reasons. Last week I told you about us getting 4.6" of rain overnight, well, it turns out, that was just a drop in the old bucket, because Wednesday night we had somewhere between 10.5" and 12.5", (not sure how long the rain gauge ran over) in about 18 hours. We had some water in the garage and shop, but nothing major, the road to the new building washed a little, but again nothing major. We were blessed with a minor inconvenience compared to some, Thank You, Lord! It did hamper the work on the new building a little though. Between workers out of town and contractors that couldn’t come, and me cleaning up my garage, only a little got done on the building last week, but as I always say, "any is some", so we will get back to it this week.

“We thank you all for your prayers and support, please continue, and we thank God for you! In Christ's Love.”

Faith Journey, Benton: Bryan Clay writes, “We have a couple that will soon be taking the plunge into marriage!! We were able to enjoy a pool-side wedding shower for our daughter and her fiancé on Saturday. There were lots of friends and family that came out to shower them with love, well wishes, and gifts. They are very happy, and we ask for prayer for this beautiful young couple as they begin this next step together in life.

“We have been blessed with the growth of our elder ministry at our nursing facilities and adult day center that we visit every week. There is a real need for this type of ministry for our older generation that are residing in these facilities. Most of these residents may never have the opportunity, or even be able to go to a weekly church service outside of their long-term care residence, mostly due to physical and health limitations. These individuals love the Lord so much and are seeking to hear the word of God and share all of their wisdom that they have gained over a lifetime. Faith Journey feels very blessed that we can be a part of what God is doing in these lives every week.”

Misión Gracia Soberana (Sovereign Grace), NWA: Roberto Marcelletti writes, “On Saturday we were ministered in our devotional time with the sisters who belong to the musical ministry of Sovereign Grace, we met in the morning and Sister Mayerlin invited her niece, a 13-year-old girl who recently arrived from Miami, and we were able to listen to the beautiful testimony of this young woman who since she arrived in Rogers, She gave her life to Christ and testified that she now has a new life, that she feels happy and very peaceful and that the old life that she described as dirty water is gone, and that now she has a new life and that she sees in her life a very good future by the hand of Christ and being guided by us as leaders.

“On Sunday we had our first Sunday school class at 11 a.m. the theme was "Can We Trust the Bible? it was amazing to see that 23 brothers arrived with a great desire to learn, it was a very beautiful time, I ask for your prayers so that the Lord continues to strengthen us and send teachers to help us, only to God the glory.”

Epic Life, Pea Ridge: Jake McCandless writes, “More than any time in my ministry Galatians 6:5, "Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ" has taken on life. We've had some heavy sharing with each of our groups. Along with walking with each other through trials, I was extremely proud of our Garfield Connection Group. A member of their group had surgery and the group took them meals this week. It is great seeing groups rise up and take care of one another.”

          El Faro #2 Hispanic Mission, Cabot/Jacksonville: Michael Hight writes,

“This week I finally start my home infusions. We have high hopes for these treatments, but in the meantime, we are doing what we can.

“We have selected Sept. 1st as our kick-off date. We have signs up and flyers printed. This month will be dedicated to getting the meeting place ready and meeting as many people as possible! We need an old sound system if anyone has one stuck back in a closet somewhere. Please continue to pray for us. We've had a difficult start, but as Paul said, "we do not lose heart."

“I say this regularly, but please keep Jorge and Daisy in your prayers. She begins chemo soon with stage 4 liver cancer. Send Jorge a text and let him know we are lifting them up in our prayers. 501-350-6878. Also, we are getting close to getting an answer on his brother-in-law's visa. Pray, pray, pray.

“One more thing, thank you to Landmark Missionary Baptist Church in England for allowing me to speak a couple of nights at their VBS last week!”